Getting Started

It's easy to get started creating your website. Knowing some of the basics will help.

What is Joomla?

Joomla is a Content Management System (CMS). Its main purpose is to allow users to manage the content (words, pictures, videos) of a website.

The main difference between a CMS and a standard website is that anyone can maintain the content on their own, without help from an IT expert. Several users can look after the website at the same time using an ordinary web browser like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

Site and Administrator

Your site actually has two separate sites. The site (also called the front end) is what visitors to your site will see. The administrator (also called the back end) is only used by people managing your site.

How do I get in?

Articles – In Joomla an Article is some written information that you want to display on your site. It normally contains some text and can contain pictures and other types of content. Joomla Articles can be uncategorised, or placed in a Category.

Categories - In Joomla a category provide an optional method for organizing your articles. Here's how it works. A Category contains articles and other Categories. One Article can only be in one Category. If a category is in another category, it's called a subcategory of that category

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